Illini Lodge 55’s Patch Explained

TOTEM: The totem is the White-Tailed Deer. The deer was chosen for several reasons. It was very important to the Indians native to this area, providing a source of food as well as hides, antlers, and bones for clothing and tools. The deer is at home in our woodlands, living in harmony with all of nature. The deer is strong, stealthy, and fleet of foot, providing an ideal example of how we should treat our natural areas.

LETTERING AND SASH: The words “Illini Lodge 55” are written in a modern italic style, reflecting the progressive nature of our lodge, always leaning toward the future. The lettering is superimposed on an Ordeal Sash, signifying our common bond with one another and with all members of the Order.

EVERGREEN BRANCH: The evergreen branch at the left signifies our need, as the evergreen is, to always be filled with life, so we may always be ready to provide cheerful service.

RIVER: The rivers of our area have always been essential to life for the local inhabitants. The saltines of the Vermilion also provided salt for the Indians, and later became a valuable source of trade with settlers.

LAND: The land shows the bounties of the prairie, in the form of a field ripe for harvest, and the woodlands and grasslands which we so enjoy at both Camp Drake and Camp Cherokee Hills.

This Lodge Flap originated from the design created by Ed Sudlow in 1994. In 2013, the patch was altered slightly so that the Buck in the image is facing forward bravely into the future. The 2013 alteration was handled by then Treasurer, Kelly C Jr.